Los Gustos y Disgustos de Sarah

A mi amiga Sarah le gusta lluvia en el verano.

A Sarah le gusta el color azul y negro.

A Todos los días Sarah le gusta juga a los deportes.

A Sarah le gusta baila a siempre.

A ella le gusta coma a menudo.
A ella disgusta le estudia el fin de semana.
A sarah le disgusta grande perro.
A Sarah le disgusta cocina cena los viernes.

One thought on “Los Gustos y Disgustos de Sarah

  1. Hi, Lilli, you did a good job on your sentences and i really enjoy the cute picture. in your third sentence the phrase “todos los dias,” should go at the end of the sentence. In your sixth sentence “le,” should go in front of “disgusta,” but other then that your sentences are great and you did a great job!:)

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