Los Gustos y Disgustos de Sarah

A mi amiga Sarah le gusta lluvia en el verano.

A Sarah le gusta el color azul y negro.

A Todos los días Sarah le gusta juga a los deportes.

A Sarah le gusta baila a siempre.

A ella le gusta coma a menudo.
A ella disgusta le estudia el fin de semana.
A sarah le disgusta grande perro.
A Sarah le disgusta cocina cena los viernes.

Mis Gustos

I think the project was challenging but, it helped me understand the sentences more, along with gustar and conjugations. I liked the project because it was independent and I didn’t have to realie on anyone else. This project helped me use my verbs and make sure my sentences were grammatically correct.  The only thing I had a problem with was remembering the sentence verbatim and all of the steps just to get the project done.